Every journey begins with a first step
At Phoenix House
We provide a safe place to learn recovery and life skills.
Residential substance abuse services are provided to males 18 years and older that require an intensive service due to the debilitating nature of their addiction and have severe symptoms with coexisting biomedical complications or conditions, emotional or behavior issues, and a living environment that is not conducive to recovery.
The goal of residential services is to gain stabilization in these areas and move the consumer to a lower level of care. Residential services provide consumers with an environment that is substance free, and structured, focusing on developing recovery skills and healthy life skills, while taking care of the individual needs of the consumer. Each consumer has an individual treatment plan that focuses on their individual needs based on their assessment.
For questions regarding funding or eligibility, please contact NorthCare Network
Our Process
Gain Stabilization
We provide males (18 years and older) with a substance-free and structured environment, so they can focus on developing recovery and healthy life skills.
Assess Needs
We evaluate each individual in the areas of substance use, family issues, social issues, health issues, psychological issues, and legal issues to determine areas of need.
Create the Plan
An individual treatment plan is created to reflect the gathered information and determine which methods of treatment will be most effective.
Begin Therapy
Our trained and certified staff use evidence-based practices in our program to assist each individual with effective methods for change.
Treatment Methods
Care that is understanding, skilled, and designed just for you.
Phoenix House staff utilize the cognitive therapy approach during group therapy, as well as in one-on-one therapy. The focus of cognitive therapy is to provide an insight focused therapy that emphasizes recognizing and changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs. Phoenix House staff members believe that there should be genuine warmth, accurate empathy, nonjudgmental acceptance, and an establishment of trust and rapport in the therapeutic relationship. This focus fosters a caring environment that assists consumers to become honest, which ultimately is the foundation of recovery. Through cognitive therapy, consumers gain an awareness of where their desire to use substances comes from, the consequences that they are experiencing, and alternatives to this lifestyle.
Phoenix House residential staff utilize rational emotive behavior therapy, during group and one on one individual sessions, to challenge self-defeating behaviors that are prevalent in substance abusing individuals. Rational emotive behavior therapy provides a framework to examine self-talk and examines the consequences of rational or irrational thinking. By helping clients recognize that their feelings are a direct result of their thinking, clients can take responsibility for the way they feel, therefore, the way they act. Ultimately, the client’s belief system changes about how they view themselves and the world around them.
Phoenix House residential staff use the 12-step model as a guideline for sober living. The 12-steps provide a frame work that assists consumers to learn how to maintain sober living by following the steps. Frequent reference to the 12-steps occurs during group and individual therapy, while emphasis is placed on the 12-steps during educational groups. Consumers are also introduced to self-help meetings by attending Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings while being in the program to help them build a foundation of support. Note: Phoenix House staff do not promote the 12-step program as being the only self-help support group that works for substance abusers but also accepts the validity of other support groups and encourages consumers to find the support group that works for them.
Phoenix House residential staff use the Johari’s Window concept for group interaction. The concept was created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955. Johari's Window is a technique used to help people better understand their relationship with themselves and others. It is a simple and useful tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness, personal development, and improving communication between individuals within a group setting. Johari's Window helps individuals to be more open in the areas of processing and receiving feedback as well as helping people understand more about themselves.

Our Facility
Our residential facility consists of 15 beds. Each bedroom has two twin size beds and a sink.
Main Floor
The main floor is where the staff offices are located. The living and dining area, kitchen, and group room are also located on the main floor.
Upper Floor
The upper floor consists of resident's bedrooms and shower/bathrooms.
Lower Floor
The lower floor is made up laundry facilities, an area for exercise equipment, a sauna, and other spare storage rooms.
In the back of the facility, there is a horse shoe pit for residents as well as other recreational activities: basketball, football, frisbee, etc. (Outside recreational activities are limited in the winter months)
Smoking Policy
All smoking (Including chewing tobacco and e-cigs) must take place outside. There is a designated smoking area available.
Residential Guidelines
What to Bring
Towel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razors, shaving cream, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, Q-tips, etc. (Any mouthwash with alcohol is prohibited, and all cologne/aerosol sprays may be used, but have to be kept in the general office at all times).
but if you would like to bring an extra blanket or pillow you may.
Depending on the time of year, it’s suggested to bring clothes for both warm and cold weather. There is a washer/dryer and laundry detergent provided. Residents must wear some type of footwear at all time, so slippers/sandals are suggested. (They also sometimes partake in activities at a local gym in the winter which has a pool/sauna, or partake in activities at a local park/beach in the summer).
(If possible)
Please bring refills of any prescription medications if needed. OTC (over the counter) medications are allowed but must have a legitimate purpose. We DO NOT allow any narcotics under any circumstance.
Books, appropriate magazines, stamps, envelopes (if wanted)
(mp3 players, older iPods, small musical instruments - any devices with cameras or the ability to connect to Wi-Fi are not permitted)
Residents have allotted times during the weekend they are allowed to use their music devices. -
This is not a necessity. There is plenty of food, juice, milk and coffee, but some residents may bring extra money for what they please (soda, snacks, tobacco products, etc.)
Cigarettes, e-cigarettes, rolling materials, chew is all allowed. All tobacco products must be used outside at all times including chewing tobacco and e-cigarettes.
What Not to Bring
Any type of weapon is not permitted at any time.
Any vehicles/bicycles/skateboards
Cellular phones, electronic games, dvd players, tablets, laptops
Any type of drug paraphernalia or clothing depicting drug or alcohol use
Any OTC (over the counter) medications that contain steroids, stimulants, androgenic hormones, or dextromethorphan
Frequently Asked Questions
General Information and Contact
P.O. Box 468 (mailing address)
57467 Waterworks Street (physical address)
Calumet, MI 49913
Office Phone: (906) 337-0763
Fax: (906) 337-0768
Phone Usage
Residents have their own personal phone line which can be used after they complete their first week in treatment. There are no guaranteed hours in which the residents will be able to answer the phone (due to group sessions, individual therapy sessions, and group outings), so an answering machine is available for messages. Residents can answer/return phone calls during their free time. There is not a fee for the phone.
Mail Restrictions
There are no restrictions on items that can be sent to residents (other than the obvious: no weapons, drugs/alcohol, illicit content), but all packages/mail are inspected before being delivered to the residents. Senders should also take precautions when it comes to sending money through the mail.
Visitations hours: Friday 6:00 p.m. - 10 p.m. and Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Residents may have visitors both days. Residents must hand in a proposal sheet of all expected visitors by Thursday to their primary counselor. Residents are asked to only have visitors who are family or a part of their support network (pastor, sponsor, etc.).
Call to Get Started
For Funding Questions or Assistance:
Call NorthCare Network CDR at (906) 225-7222 or Toll-Free 1-800-305-6564
We accept Medicaid/UPHP/HMP